Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
Director, Motivation, Affect, & Cognition Lab
University of Denver
** This webpage is not being updated as regularly as it should be. Please see my lab webpage, the Motivation, Affect, & Cognition Lab, for the latest updates on my research program.**
Broadly, I am interested in examining affective and motivational influences on goal-directed cognition (cognitive control, learning, and memory). These investigations have employed a range of methods, including cognitive paradigms, psychophysiological measures, functional neuroimaging, and video analysis of behavior in naturalistic environments.
Before coming to DU, I was a postdoctoral fellow with R. Alison Adcock in the Motivated Memory Lab at Duke University’s Center for Cognitive Neuroscience. I completed a BSc(Hons) in Neuroscience at University of Toronto (2005) and a PhD in Cognitive Psychology at Washington University in St. Louis (2013) under the supervision of Todd Braver.
Key research questions include:
- Can goal pursuit be parsed into distinct components (i.e., subjective affect, motivational drive) with separable influences on cognition?
- How do approach and avoidance motivation differentially influence brain and behavior?
- What is the role of individual differences in modulating motivated cognition?
Email: kimberly.chiew@du.edu